electric power information system 电力信息系统
electric power system information security 电力信息安全
10kV Electric Power System 10kV电力系统
abnormal operation of electric power system 电力系统异常运行
Aircraft Electric Power System 飞机电气系统
automation of electric power system 电力系统自动化
com munication network of electric power system 电力通信网
communication of electric power system 电力系统通信
comprehensive automation of electric power system 电力系统综合自动化
DC Electric Power System Device 直流电动系仪表
decision-making support system of electric power system planning 电网规划决策支持系统
dispatch of electric power system 电力调度
dispatching automation of electric power system 电力系统调度自动化
dispatching management of electric power system 电力系统调度自动化
Distributed Electric Power System 分散电力系统; 分散式电力系统
dynamics of electric power system 电力系统动态
electric power fault record 录波监测
electric power fault recorder 电力故障录波器
Electric Power Information 电力信息